Turkish Republican People's Party Proposes Vote of No Confidence against Davutoglu for Wrong Foreign Policies

السبت, 26 أيار 2012 الساعة 18:26 | , News

Turkish Republican People's Party Proposes Vote of No Confidence against Davutoglu for Wrong Foreign Policies
jouhina news, Republican People's Party, the main opposition party in the Turkish Parliament, presented a vote of no confidence against Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, accusing him of approaching wrong foreign policies that threaten Turkey's national and external interests. The proposal included detailed information about Davutoglu's wrong policies, pointing out to Justice and Development Party's stance on the Syrian issue, which is biased to the opposition, adding that it played a main role in increasing violence in Syria. It noted that the Turkish relations have deteriorated with all neighboring countries, which is obvious through the tension with Iraq and Iran.

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