Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates: Armed Terrorist Groups Committed Taldao, al-Shoumarieh Massacres

الثلاثاء, 29 أيار 2012 الساعة 08:40 | , News

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates: Armed Terrorist Groups Committed Taldao, al-Shoumarieh Massacres
jouhina news, _Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned in the strongest terms the crimes committed by foreign-funded armed terrorist groups in Taldao and al-Shoumarieh in the past couple of days. In identical letters sent to the United Nations Security Council, the UN General Secretariat and the Geneva human rights bodies, the Ministry gave the details of what happed on Friday, May 25th 2012 and the misleading media campaigns, clarifying that hundreds of gunmen gathered around the massacres' place, armed with heavy weapons including anti-tank missiles. ''The terrorists started the offensive at 2:00 pm on Friday, attacking the area from al-Rastan, Talbiseh and al-Qseir, savagely killing several families, including children, women and elders,'' said the letters. The Ministry gave the names of the martyrs, stressing that Syria is determined to find the terrorists and bring them to justice. The letters added that the terrorist groups burnt crops and houses, and vandalized the national hospital in Taldao and attacked five points for the Syrian Arab army positioned outside the area where the massacre happened. The Ministry said that the Syrian Arab army did its duty in defending the innocent civilians and clashed with the armed terrorist groups until 11:00 pm. 3 army members were martyred and 16 injured in the clash. The ministry said that no tank entered the area, affirming that the Syrian army was in a state of self-defense and maintained the highest degree of self-control, and all reports to the contrary are pure lies. The Ministry said that children, women and men were assembled at specific areas, and had they been killed by shellfire as biased channels claim, there would have been dust all over them, while the images show that the massacre was committed in cold blood and from close distance. The ministry clarified that the crime was premeditated , indicating that the residents of this area were supporters of the Syrian Arab army which has cost them their lives. The Ministry indicated that the Syrian government set up a committee by the Defense, Interior and Justice ministries to investigate the crime and submit a report in three days, vowing to save the Syrian people from the foreign-funded terrorism, adding that it rejects accusations leveled against it of killing the innocent Syrian civilians. The letters added that the escalation in the crimes of the armed terrorist groups always occur before a UNSC session or a progress towards solution. The ministry added that the Syrian government has informed the Human Rights Council of the terrorist groups' using the Syrian blood in return for few lines in statements made by countries that seek to destroy Syria. The ministry indicated that al-Qaida-linked terrorist groups committed a crime on March 15 in Karm al-Louz in Homs that claimed the lives of 15 citizens, including a woman and four children, one day before a UNSC session. The letters said that the Syrian government is determined to fulfill its duties in protecting the Syrian people from the well-trained gunmen. The ministry concluded by reminding that what happened proves that Syria is facing foreign-funded terrorism that some countries seek to impose on Syria, adding that the Syrian blood is being used in media campaigns bent on accusing the Syrian government for committing these crimes.

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