Gatilov : We Are Categorically against Any Intervention in Syrian Conflict from the Outside

الأربعاء, 30 أيار 2012 الساعة 09:33 | , News

Gatilov : We Are Categorically against Any Intervention in Syrian Conflict from the Outside
jouhina news, Russia reiterated its rejection for any proposals at the UN Security Council authorizing military intervention in Syria. Gennady Gatilov, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, said in press statements to the Russian Interfax News Agency: "We have always said that we are categorically against any intervention in the Syrian conflict from the outside, as this would only worsen the situation and would lead to unpredictable consequences both for Syria itself and the region on the whole." Gatilov underscored that Russia calls for broader international discussion on settling standoff in Syria and Kofi Annan's, the UN Envoy to Syria, six-point plan. Gatilov added that Russia thinks any new UN Security Council pressure measures on Syria are premature, asserting that Russia will veto initiatives on foreign military interference in Syrian situation in UN Security Council. Gatilov declared that Russia does not exclude a new mechanism for supervising the implementation of Annan's plan, citing the necessity for allowing Anna's plan implementation the needed opportunity, calling on all foreign players, including the western ones, to put pressure on opposition

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