Annan: Syria cooperated with international Monitors..Investigation into al-Houla incident encouraging

الأربعاء, 30 أيار 2012 الساعة 09:44 | , News

Annan: Syria cooperated with international Monitors..Investigation into al-Houla incident encouraging
jouhina news, The UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan on Tuesday appreciated the Syrian government for cooperation in deploying the military monitors as soon as possible. "During my meeting with President Bashar al-Assad, I relayed to him the deep concern of the international community about violence in Syria, including the incident of al-Houla," Annan said at a press conference in Damascus. He added that the Security Council declared that an investigation should be held to bring those who were responsible for al-Houla incident into justice, saying "I have noticed that the Syrian government is investigating into the act, and this encouraging." Annan saw that the 6-point plan was not implemented, indicating that the international community will make an evaluation of the situation in Syria, calling for adopting bold steps to create atmospheres for carrying out the plan. He pointed out that violence stopped on April 12th, and now there is no justification for not halting violence once again. Annan underlined that he asked the armed opposition to halt violence, saying "I call on all influential states to press the government and all sides on the need for the halt of violence in all areas." He pointed out to the importance of releasing the detainees, considering this point as part of the six-point plan and a necessity for finding confidence, saying "it is necessary to reach to all detainees and the places of their detention." "I agreed with President al-Assad on the importance of handing over the humanitarian aid to all regions in addition to giving visas to the UN organizations to offer assistance," Annan said. He referred that he also underlined on the need for respecting the freedom of peaceful demonstrations and freedom of expression. He added that he has noticed more journalists and press are getting visas to enter Syria, saying "this is encouraging for more openness." The armed terrorist groups have perpetrated more than 5000 violations since the adoption of Annan's plan with a number of Arab and western countries, including the US are supporting gunmen with weapons and money. The Syrian Ministry of Information gave visa entries for more than 178 media institutions to cover the events in Syria since last March.

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