Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN: Al-Qubeir Massacre was Committed 5 Hours before any Clashes Happened

الخميس, 7 حزيران 2012 الساعة 18:12 | , News

Syria's Permanent Representative  to the UN: Al-Qubeir Massacre was Committed  5 Hours before any Clashes Happened
jouhina news, Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that killing innocent civilians in al-Qubeir took place 5 hours before any clashes happened, adding that the images broadcast by al-Jazeera and al-Arabia are not those of the massacre victims. ''The Syrian TVs will air the true images of the massacre…The instigative media channels have taken to airing such fabrications before the UN Security Council meetings,'' added al-Jaafari. Al-Jaafari added that the Syrian government has fulfilled its obligations according to Annan's plan and is ready to go ahead with its cooperation, adding that the door is always open for those who want a serious dialogue and real change and there is no problem with the opposition which rejects foreign interference. ''The Syrian government extends a hand of reconciliation with all political powers whose hands are clear of the Syrian blood to reach the shores of safety we all spire to,'' al-Jaafari said. Al-Jaafari said that some parties have persisted in casting doubts on Annan's plan and called for military intervention, while some Arab and international powers are supporting terrorists and salafi fighters to kill the Syrians. ''Are suicide bombings that targeted Syria acts in self-defense? Are attacks on hospitals, medical staffs and schools democratic aspects?'' al-Jaafari asked. Al-Jaafari said that the countries which are supporting terrorists and facilitating their crimes in Syria are complicit in the bloodshed in Syria, adding that Syria is ready to receive an investigation committee from objective countries who are opposed to foreign meddling in the Syrian affairs. He considered that Nabil al-Arabi's accusations contradict the initial report of the UN observer mission in Syria. Al-Jaafari said ''I'd like to know the attitude of the UN to the illegitimate, unilateral sanctions imposed on 23 million Syrian citizens that did not spare gas and fuel.''

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