Abdullahian: Responsibility for al-Qbeir Massacre Lies with the Parties Backing Terrorist Groups

الجمعة, 8 حزيران 2012 الساعة 13:42 | , News

Abdullahian: Responsibility for al-Qbeir Massacre Lies with the Parties Backing Terrorist Groups
jouhina news, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs, Hussein Amir Abdullahian, on Friday held the parties supporting the armed terrorist groups in Syria responsible for the massacre which took place in al-Qbeir village in Hama province. In a statement to the Iranian IRN news agency, Abdullahian said the responsibility for these crimes lies with some parties that are providing support to the terrorists under the motto of defending the Syrian people. He added that backing the terrorists in Syria is a futile measure that contradicts the rights of the Syrian people and threatens the regional and international peace and security. The Iranian official considered the continuation of such criminal acts as organized terrorism, criticizing the double standard policies adopted against Syria and calling for supporting the reform program being implemented in Syria and the plan of the UN envoy Kofi Annan instead of backing the terrorist groups. He stressed that halting the violence and conducting comprehensive national dialogue in Syria is the best way to consolidate security and stability in the region, calling upon those who hold meetings under the name of 'Friends of Syria' to stop backing terrorism and supporting the reform options of the Syrian people.

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تصنيفات الأخبار الرئيسية

  1. سياسة
  2. شؤون محلية
  3. مواقف واراء
  4. رياضة
  5. ثقافة وفن
  6. اقتصاد
  7. مجتمع
  8. منوعات
  9. تقارير خاصة
  10. كواليس
  11. اخبار الصحف
  12. منبر جهينة
  13. تكنولوجيا