Two journalists from al-Ikhbariya TV injured by armed group's fire in al-Haffeh

الثلاثاء, 12 حزيران 2012 الساعة 13:05 | , News

Two journalists from al-Ikhbariya TV injured by armed group's fire in al-Haffeh
jouhina news, An armed terrorist group today opened fire at a car for the Syrian al-Ikhbariya TV at al-Haffeh in Lattakia countryside. SANA reporter learned that al-Ikhbariya correspondent Mazen Mohammad was hit in his hand while cameraman Fadi Yakoub was hit in his chest. Both journalists were immediately admitted to the National Hospital in Lattakia. Journalist Mohammad said that while he and his colleague were covering news near the National Hospital in al-Haffeh, an armed terrorist group shot fires at them, hitting him and cameraman Yacoub. National Media Council condemns the attack on Two Syrian Journalists National Media Council on Monday condemned the attack on the reporter and cameraman of the Syrian al-Ikhbariya TV who were injured by the fires of armed terrorists in al-Haffeh while covering events there. In a statement, the Council appreciated the courage and nationality of the two Syrian journalists while performing their task, which them quick recovery.

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