Lavrov: Washington Is Sending Arms to Gunmen in Syria, Salehi: Parties Are Sending Militias to Syria

الأربعاء, 13 حزيران 2012 الساعة 15:38 | , News

Lavrov: Washington Is Sending Arms to Gunmen in Syria, Salehi: Parties Are Sending Militias to Syria
jouhina news, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday stressed Russia's support to the Syrian state, saying it is the axis of stability in the region. In a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Ali Akbar Salehi, Lavrov said Moscow is interested in keeping Syria and the Syrian State intact against any disunification. He stressed the necessity of halting all acts of violence in Syria, noting that attacks against schools and government facilities were witnessed in Syria in the recent days. The Russian Foreign Minister said what happened in Libya should not be repeated as it was destruction and terrorism on a large scale on the world's level whose repercussions are still to date. Lavrov stressed that Russia is ready to have the international conference on Syria held anywhere the participants see fit, urging all Syrian sides to the conflict and the forces with influence on them to work to make Anna's plan a success. He noted that 15 states are suggested to participate in this conference who have to use their capabilities to push towards reaching a solution and bringing the Syrian sides to sit around the negotiating table. He said that the countries' actions should match their words regarding finding a solution to the crisis in Syria and making Annan's plan succeed. In response to the statements recently made by the U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, Lavrov said all the Russian agreements being implemented with the Syrian side are related to defensive equipment and arms and do not contradict the international law, whereas Washington is sending weapons to the gunmen in Syria. For his part, the Iranian Foreign Minister stressed that the Syrian issue should be solved by the Syrian themselves. Salehi said Syria has started effecting reforms and should be given the chance to get them completed, highlighting however the existence of parties that are providing support to the opposition and sending militias and impeding the reforms in Syria. He said that Iran is working with Russia to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria, which is being hindered by parties that are offering support to the gunmen to undermine stability in Syria.

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