Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: General Mood Informed us of Suspending the Observer Mission in Syria Temporarily due to "Escalating Violence"

السبت, 16 حزيران 2012 الساعة 18:48 | , News

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: General Mood Informed us of Suspending the Observer Mission in Syria Temporarily due to
jouhina news, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that Head of the UN Observer Mission in Syria, Gen. Robert Mood, informed the Ministry on Saturday of his intention to suspend the observer mission temporarily due to what he called "escalating violence" targeting the observers. The Ministry said that it has informed General Mood of its understanding of his decisions , especially those related to the safety of observers and the implementation of their tasks. The ministry indicated that armed terrorist groups have escalated their criminal attacks since Annan's plan was signed, even attacking the UN observer mission and posing a threat to their lives. "The armed groups also disregarded Annan's plan and the initial agreement between the United Nations and the Syrian government, aided by Arab and international powers that are still providing the terrorists with up-to-date weapons and communication devices that help them in committing their crimes and sticking to their defiance of the UN plan," the Ministry added. It reiterated respect for Annan's plan and care for the safety of the UN observers. General Mood announced in a statement early on Saturday suspension of the UN observer mission in Syria. He said that this suspension will be reviewed on a daily basis, adding, "Operations will resume when we see the situation fit for us to carry out our mandated activities.

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