Putin Reiterated Russia's Opposition to Foreign Interference in Syria's Domestic Affairs

الأربعاء, 20 حزيران 2012 الساعة 09:09 | , News

Putin Reiterated Russia's Opposition to Foreign Interference in Syria's Domestic Affairs
jouhina news, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated Russia's stance against foreign interference in Syria's domestic affairs. According to Russia Today, President Putin in press statements following his participation in G-20 Summit , underscored that "No one is entitled to decide for other nations who will be brought to power and who will be removed," "A change of power, if it occurs - and it could only occur by constitutional means - should result in peace and stop the bloodshed," added President Putin, pointing out that "In order to achieve that goal, we need to work well, to make all parties to the armed conflict stop the bloodshed, sit down to the negotiating table and agree on how they will jointly live in a common country and how the interests and security of people involved in the conflict will be ensured," "This should be done beforehand, and not like in some North African countries, where bloodshed continues despite regime changes," the Russian President added, declaring that 'despite differences in the positions held by Russia and the West on the issue, they are ready to work jointly to have the conflicting parties finally reach an agreement on a peaceful coexistence.

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