Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: Armed Terrorist Groups have once again Foiled Efforts to Evacuate Wounded People and Families from Homs

الخميس, 21 حزيران 2012 الساعة 23:32 | , News

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: Armed Terrorist Groups have once again Foiled Efforts to Evacuate Wounded People and Families from Homs
jouhina news, An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stated on Thursday that the Ministry, the authorities concerned and the local authorities in Homs city have exerted efforts to enable the International Red Cross and the Syrian Red Crescent to enter the areas where the armed terrorist groups exist in order to evacuate the wounded, the elders, children, women, people with special needs and the other citizens and to enter medical and food aid; however, the armed terrorist groups once again foiled all efforts. The source pointed out that the armed terrorist groups fired at the Red Crescent and the Red Cross delegation and announced their rejection of evacuating any wounded or ill citizen. These terrorist practices which violate the international human law uncover once again the criminal nature of those armed groups and the nature of their regional and international supporters, the source added. Syria calls on the UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) to shoulder their responsibilities and exert pressure on the armed terrorist groups to force them to abide by the human logic, the source noted. The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry's source reiterated Syria's commitment to the safety and security of the citizens and cooperation with the international community to end the suffering of the citizens in the areas where the armed terrorist groups exist.  

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  2. شؤون محلية
  3. مواقف واراء
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