Turkish Website: The So-Called Syrian Refugees at Turkish Camps are Terrorists

الجمعة, 22 حزيران 2012 الساعة 11:49 | , News

Turkish Website: The So-Called Syrian Refugees at Turkish Camps are Terrorists
jouhina news, Turkish Odatv website stressed that the decision issued by the Turkish authorities on preventing taking photos at the camps established in Turkey for harboring the fugitives from Syria aims at hiding the reality that the so-called refugees are in fact terrorists. The website said in a report published on Wednesday that the Turkish /Aydinlik / newspaper affirmed that the Turkish authorities issued on June the 16th a decision that prevents taking photos of the Syrians living at the camps, calling on the journalists who conduct interviews with them not to show the interviewees' faces on cameras. In this context, Turkish /Vatan/ newspaper stressed that the photos show that the so-called Syrian refugees are in fact terrorists who have been launching terrorist attacks against the Syrian state and citizens.

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