Intl Observer Delegation Visits Injured Citizens Hit by Delegation Car on al-Haffeh Road

السبت, 23 حزيران 2012 الساعة 17:53 | , News

Intl Observer Delegation Visits Injured Citizens Hit by Delegation Car on al-Haffeh Road
jouhina news, The members of the UN observer delegation, headed by the Norwegian Major Andreas Steinberg, expressed regret over the accident which left a number of citizens injured when one of the delegation's cars hit them on al-Haffeh road. Major Steinberg expressed happiness that they recovered from their wounds , indicating that the accident is being investigated by the UN to reveal the truth about it. For their part, the injured citizens thanked the members of the delegation, hoping that the truth about the accident will come out soon. They considered that the accident is not justifiable and wished that the delegation had stopped to talk to them to know about the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups against innocent civilians.

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