China: Ending Violence in Syria Demands Participation of the Region's Countries

الإثنين, 25 حزيران 2012 الساعة 15:28 | , News

China: Ending Violence in Syria Demands Participation of the Region's Countries
jouhina news, Spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hong Li, on Monday said that Beijing believes that ending violence in Syria demands the participation of all the region's countries, especially those who have influence in Syria. In his daily press conference, Li expressed hope that the international conference, due to be held in Geneva on June 30th, will help build an international concord and give full support to Annan's plan with the aim of implementing the relevant UN Security Council's resolutions.

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  1. سياسة
  2. شؤون محلية
  3. مواقف واراء
  4. رياضة
  5. ثقافة وفن
  6. اقتصاد
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  10. كواليس
  11. اخبار الصحف
  12. منبر جهينة
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