Iranian Renewed Support to Annan Plan as the Best Way to Resolve the Issues in Syria

الخميس, 28 حزيران 2012 الساعة 08:42 | , News

Iranian Renewed Support to Annan Plan as the Best Way to Resolve the Issues in Syria
jouhina news, the Ambassador of Iran to the UN, Mohammad Khazaee, reiterated his country's support to the UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan's plan, considering the plan as ' the best way to resolve the issues in Syria'. In press statements here yesterday, dispatched by Reuters, Khazaee said that Iran was ready to help international envoy Kofi Annan's bid to bring peace to Syria, pointing out that the influence and constructive role of Iran 'cannot be ignored by anybody'. ''If some powers do not want to benefit from this influence and constructive role, that's their problem and this is another indication of actually neglecting the realities on the ground'' said the Ambassador, underscoring that "the solution is the cooperation among everybody.' " From the beginning we have supported Mr. Kofi Annan's plan and we believe that that's the best way to resolve the issues in Syria. So any kind of consultations by Kofi Annan with the Islamic Republic of Iran is welcomed anytime," Ambassador Khazaee declared. '' By not assisting foreign groups, opposition groups in Syria and by avoiding foreign intervention in Syria we believe that Syrian people will enjoy a better life and have reform smoothly in their country," Khazaee concluded.

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