China Reiterates Support to a Political Solution to Crisis in Syria

الخميس, 28 حزيران 2012 الساعة 18:39 | , News

China Reiterates Support to a Political Solution to Crisis in Syria
jouhina news, China reiterated support to a political solution to the crisis in Syria through launching a political dialogue without preconditions, calling upon the international community to back the plan of the UN Special envoy, Kofi Annan. During his regular press briefing on Thursday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that ''China has always supported a political solution to the crisis in Syria, and the international community has to help the mediating efforts of the UN envoy Annan and urge the Syrian sides to end violence and implement the UN Security Council resolutions and start a political dialogue without preconditions or preset results.'' Lei's statement comes ahead of the conference due to be held in Geneva on Saturday, with the participation of the five permanent members of the United Nations and regional countries.

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تصنيفات الأخبار الرئيسية

  1. سياسة
  2. شؤون محلية
  3. مواقف واراء
  4. رياضة
  5. ثقافة وفن
  6. اقتصاد
  7. مجتمع
  8. منوعات
  9. تقارير خاصة
  10. كواليس
  11. اخبار الصحف
  12. منبر جهينة
  13. تكنولوجيا