Syria's Naval, Land and Air Forces Conduct Military Exercises with Live Ammunitions

الأحد, 8 تموز 2012 الساعة 22:40 | , News

Syria's Naval, Land and Air Forces Conduct Military Exercises with Live Ammunitions
jouhina news, The Syrian armed forces continued on Sunday their military exercises for the second consecutive day with high performance as the anti-submarine vessels in cooperation with the navy helicopters searched for proposed enemy submarines and destroyed them. The coastal artillery also took part in the military exercises against vessels offshore, while the Syrian frogmen commandos and other forces performed marine landing and airdrop to storm and free any given site from enemies. The Syrian armored units performed a tactical exercise with live ammunition involving various kinds of weapons, including aircrafts, helicopters and artillery. The Syrian forces which took part in those military exercises proved high performance and coordination among various units.

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تصنيفات الأخبار الرئيسية

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  9. تقارير خاصة
  10. كواليس
  11. اخبار الصحف
  12. منبر جهينة
  13. تكنولوجيا