Information Minister Stresses Support to Journalists, Increasing Their Union's Allocations

الأحد, 8 تموز 2012 الساعة 22:42 | , News

Information Minister Stresses Support to Journalists, Increasing Their Union's Allocations
jouhina news, Information Minister, Omran al-Zubei, stressed that the media in Syria is media of the state with all its components, on top being the Syrian people with its spectrums, and not that of partisan or political media. During the General Conference of the Journalists' Union, held at al-Wahda Institution, al-Zubei said media should be free and independent and not subject to anybody's guardianship and governed only by the authority of the judiciary. He referred to President Bashar al-Assad's directives in terms of regulating the situation of all the workers in the media sector and meeting the journalists' demands as much as possible, stressing the point of not cancelling anyone's contract or firing anyone except for corruption-related cases. The Minister stressed on offering every possible thing to continue supporting retired journalists, highlighting the necessity of embracing skills and talents. He voiced the Ministry's desire to increase the Journalists' Union's allocations from the state budget and provide all forms of support to the National Media Council to enable it to carry out its tasks properly. The Syrian journalists hailed the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army to restore security and stability to the country, stressing that the journalists will remain the soldiers that defend the nation. They discussed a number of issues related to their job conditions and the difficulties that may face their tasks.

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