Putin Reiterates Russia's Rejection of Repeating Libyan Scenario in Syria

الإثنين, 9 تموز 2012 الساعة 18:45 | , News

Putin Reiterates Russia's Rejection of Repeating Libyan Scenario in Syria
jouhina news, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday reiterated his country's rejection of repeating the Libyan scenario in Syria, saying that such tragic events must not be repeated in other countries and stressing that Russia is exerting its best efforts to find political solution to all the urgent international issues. In a speech on Russia's foreign policy for the coming, Putin called for adopting a political solution to the Syrian crisis and refraining from imposing any external solution on Syrians by force, saying that the utmost efforts must be exerted to force all sides of the Syrian crisis to implement political solutions and to help launch comprehensive national dialogue to resolve the crisis. He said that only this kind of efforts can guarantee stability in the region, and that all bets must be on talks and negotiations and finding middle grounds, which should be the reality in all countries' diplomacy as well as the Iranian nuclear program, the DPRK's nuclear program, the Afghan issue, and other urgent international issues. Putin pointed out that some countries are trying to preserve their former influence through unilateral steps in international policy, which is manifested in so-called humanitarian operations and the "democracy of bombs

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