Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: Nawaf al-Fares Made Statements Contradictory to His Position's Duties and Was Relieved of Duty

الخميس, 12 تموز 2012 الساعة 12:08 | , News

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry: Nawaf al-Fares Made Statements Contradictory to His Position's Duties and Was Relieved of Duty
jouhina news The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said Nawaf al-Fares made press statements that contradict the duties of his position of defending the country's stances and issues, which demands legal and behavioral accountability. The Ministry pointed out in a statement on Thursday that al-Fares had left the headquarters of the Syrian Embassy in Baghdad without having obtained prior consent from the Ministry according to instructions followed in the diplomatic corps and missions. The Ministry announced that Nawaf al-Fares was relieved of his duties according to rules and has no longer any relation with the Syrian Embassy in Baghdad or with the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry. The statement noted that the Syrian Ministry will continue its work as usual with accustomed efficiency in service of the interests of the brotherly people of Syria and Iraq. H. Said

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