Lavrov: We Oppose Any Tendencies Aimed at Downfalling the Syrian State, Refuse Extortion and Paving the Way for Military Intervention in Syria

الإثنين, 16 تموز 2012 الساعة 11:14 | , News

Lavrov: We Oppose Any Tendencies Aimed at Downfalling the Syrian State, Refuse Extortion and Paving the Way for Military Intervention in Syria
jouhina news Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday said that the Russian suggestions towards solving the crisis in Syria are right ones and they should be listed in the draft resolution at the UN Security Council. In a press conference in Moscow, Lavrov said that violence should be stopped by all the Syrian sides, adding that "We oppose any tendencies aimed at downfalling the Syrian state and refuse extortion and paving the way for military intervention in Syria." He stressed that Moscow's foreign policy is "firm and based on the international legitimacy and laws," adding that the participants in Geneva meeting started to distort the results of this meeting. Minister Lavrov said that some international sides are asking Syria's leadership to stop violence and at the same time, they are not practicing any influence on the Syrian opposition that is seeking power. He stressed that Moscow agrees on any decision made by the Syrian people regarding their future, adding that "After Syria agreed on Annan's plan, we started to hear strange words on its failure and an escalation of violence on the ground and we have documented that in Geneva statement. After the final approval of President al-Assad on the appointment of an envoy for negotiation, our partners began to put conditions, demanding the use of Chapter VII at the UN Security Council. "We should implement Annan's plan. Our international partners should practice influence on the armed groups to take constructive procedures. Moscow will not allow a UN Security Council's resolution under Chapter VII," Lavrov said. He warned against great risks in destabilizing the whole region, including the Gulf states, adding that "We don't want the Gulf states to be destabilized. It is legal for us to express concern over the human rights issue in Saudi Arabia," Lavrov stressed that there are no attempts to ask the armed groups to cease fire, adding that all pressures are being exerted on the Syrian government only. He pointed out that the needed resolution from the UN Security Council is extending the authorities of the UN observer mission, adding that there is no need to terminate the work of the mission in Syria.

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