Churkin: Russia will Veto Western Draft Resolution as it is a Preface for Military Intervention in Syria

الثلاثاء, 17 تموز 2012 الساعة 11:28 | , News

Churkin: Russia will Veto Western Draft Resolution as it is a Preface for Military Intervention in Syria
jouhina news, Russia’s Permanent Envoy to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, stressed that his country will veto any western draft resolution that constitutes a preface for military intervention in Syria. Russia Today TV Channel quoted Churkin as saying, " Any hint to Chapter VII in Western draft resolution will be totally unacceptable to Moscow", pledging that Russia will use veto against it. The Russian Envoy pointed out to a Russian decision prepared by his country to vote for at the Security Council with regard to Russia's readiness to adopt a draft resolution that would expand the mission of UNSMIS in Syria.

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