Terrorists Suffer Heavy Losses in Aleppo Province and Various Other Areas...Infiltration Attempt Foiled in Homs

الخميس, 26 تموز 2012 الساعة 08:19 | , News

Terrorists Suffer Heavy Losses in Aleppo Province and Various Other Areas...Infiltration Attempt Foiled in Homs
jouhina news, Units from the armed forces continued on Wednesday chasing terrorist groups in the city of Aleppo and its countryside. A source in the province told SANA reporter that the military units inflicted heavy losses among the terrorists, as many of them were killed or arrested, while others handed over their weapons and or fled back towards the Turkish borders. Authorities on Tuesday pursued and clashed with an armed terrorist group which was assaulting citizens and private and public properties in al-Sakhour neighborhood in Aleppo. A source at the Province told SANA reporter that the authorities killed large number of the terrorists, among them were Marwan Abdul-Qader Abdullah, Omar Diebo Omar, Adbullah Bin Abdul-Kareem, Mahmoud Murshed Saleh and Ahmad al-Hameed. The source added that the authorities also arrested several terrorists in al-Marja and al-Nirab areas. Armed Forces Pursue Terrorists in al-Qdam and al-Assali in Damascus The Syrian Armed Forces continued to pursue armed terrorist groups in the neighborhoods of al-Qdam and al-Assali in Damascus, engaging the mercenary terrorists and inflicting heavy losses upon them. The clashes resulted in the killing of a large number of terrorists and the arrest of others. Authorities Kill Scores of Terrorists in Salma, Lattakia In Lattakia, authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group that attacked citizens in Ein Abdo and Salma towns in Lattakia Countryside, killing scores of the terrorists. On a relevant note, the armed forces cleared the villages of Doreen and Khirbet al-Baz near the town of Salma from mercenary terrorists, inflicting heavy losses upon them. Terrorist Infiltration Attempt from Lebanon Foiled In Talkalakh in Homs Countryside, border guards foiled an infiltration attempt by terrorist groups which tried to cross to Syria from Lebanon. A source at the Province said that the border guards managed to foil the attempt, killing several terrorists and forcing the others to flee back to Lebanon. 10 Terrorists Killed, 12 Others Arrested, Large Amount of Weapons Seized in Qamishli Authorities stormed a terrorist hideout in al-Dhaheriyeh village in the countryside of Qamishli. A source in the province told SANA reporter that the raid resulted in killing 10 terrorists and arresting 12 others, in addition to seizing a workshop for making explosive devices and large amount of weapons. The source added that the weapons included 6 Russian rifles, 5 BKC machineguns, RPGs and their launchers, sniper rifles, a grenade box, antipersonnel mines, explosive devices, ammunition, detonators and remote detonators, in addition to seizing three SUV double-cabin pickup vehicles. The confiscations also included GAS masks, military uniforms, Kuwaiti car license plate, narcotic pills and drugs, money notes and documents that reveal that the terrorist group belongs to al-Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra. Authorities Pursue defeated terrorists in Dael and al-Yarmouk, Daraa The competent authorities today pursued an armed terrorist group at Dael in Daraa countryside, inflicting heavy losses among the terrorists and confiscating their weapons. Among the terrorists killed were mercenaries from non-Syrian nationalities. Army units also pursued the defeated terrorists in Wadi al-Yarmouk near Hait town inflicting heavy losses among the terrorists and confiscating their weapons. Among the terrorists killed were mercenaries from non-Syrian nationalities Authorities Inflict Heavy Losses on Terrorists in Hama Countryside Authorities in Hama countryside tracked down an armed terrorist group which attacked citizens and law-enforcement forces in al-Ghab district. A source in the province told SANA reporter that clashes with the armed terrorist group resulted in inflicting heavy losses on the group and arresting several terrorists. Authorities Chase down Terrorists in Deir Ezzor In Deir Ezzor, the authorities continued chasing the armed terrorist groups in al-Ommal neighborhood and al-Halabiyeh roundabout inflicting heavy losses upon their members and seizing their weapons. A source in the province told SANA reporter that terrorist Fawaz al-Mhawesh, leader of an armed terrorist group in the city, was identified among the dead. Authorities Raid Two Terrorist Hideouts in Hama Countryside After receiving tips from locals and tracking terrorist activities, the authorities raided the hideout of an armed terrorist group in the town of al-Ulaylat in Hama countryside, arresting its members and confiscating a large amount of weapons. A source at the province said that the confiscated weapons include 41 AK-47 rifles, 9 sniper rifles, 3 RPG rounds, and large amounts of ammo and body armor. On a relevant note, the authorities raided a terrorist hideout in the town of al-Ukairibat in Hama countryside on Tuesday, injuring and killing the terrorists hiding in it

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