Information Minister Stresses Media Cooperation with Pakistan

الأحد, 29 تموز 2012 الساعة 19:36 | , News

Information Minister Stresses Media Cooperation with Pakistan
jouhhina news, Minister of Information on Sunday , Omran al-Zoubi, underlined the importance of developing the Syrian-Pakistani relations in all areas including media. During his meeting with the Pakistani Ambassador to Syria, Wahid Ahmad, al-Zoubi called for setting a plan to boost cooperation and communication between the Syrian and Pakistani media outlets in a way that lays solid foundations to this cooperation and serves the mutual interests of the two peoples of the friendly countries. He pointed out to the importance of increasing the visits of Pakistani media delegations from various institutions to Syria to convey the real image regarding the events taking place in the country to the Pakistani and international public opinion. The Minister clarified that Syria is taking the course of having an open media space and important information transformation identified in the ministerial statement of the government, the most prominent of which is launching the concepts of freedom of press widely and narrowing down the concept of censorship. For his part, Ambassador Ahmad referred to the deeply-rooted Syrian-Pakistani relations and his country's keenness to upgrade ties in different domains and its support to the Syrian people during these hard times, expressing condemnation over the terrorist and sabotage acts targeting the Syrian people and their stability. He underlined that Syria is able to confront all challenges and will overcome the crisis, expressing desire for cooperation between Pakistani and Syrian media institutions and exchanging visits and expertise in a way that contributes to developing media work in both countries.

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