Foreign Ministry to UNSC Head and UN Secretary General: Terrorists Backed by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey Committed Horrifying Crimes Against Civilians

الثلاثاء, 31 تموز 2012 الساعة 19:03 | , News

Foreign Ministry to UNSC Head and UN Secretary General: Terrorists Backed by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey Committed Horrifying Crimes Against Civilians
jouhina news, In two identical letters addressed to the head of the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary General, the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that during the past few days, armed terrorist groups carried out attacks against innocent civilians and public and private property in Syria, particularly in Damascus and Aleppo. The Ministry said that these armed terrorist group – which are backed openly with funds and weapons by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – committed horrifying crimes against innocent civilians in Damascus and Aleppo and are still doing so in Aleppo, where a large number of these terrorist mercenaries gathered as their entry into Syria was facilitated by Turkey, and they occupied several crowded neighborhoods and used locals as human shields, killing everyone that doesn't support their crimes and forcing others to leave their homes at gunpoint. The letters pointed out that what calls attention is that all this took place after the recent visit of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan in July 8th 2012, during which an agreement was reached regarding a number of steps to restore security and stability and Syria through the six-point plan and the results of the Geneva meeting. The Ministry said that it's regrettable that those who claim to care for Syria and for ending the bloodshed of its people never made any calls for terrorist groups to end their armed operations and join the political process requested by the UN and approved by Syria to end bloodshed. The letters noted that all the attempts made by the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) in cooperation with the Syrian government to launch a political process failed due to the terrorists' refusal to engage in any political process, adding that this shouldn't surprise anyone because the terrorists' representatives refused engaging in such a process and issued dozens of statements rejecting the six-point plan, the results of the Geneva meeting, and what was agreed upon during Annan's visit to Damascus. The Ministry said that hypocritical voices are growing louder in the capitals conspiring against Syria – particularly in Ankara, Doha, Riyadh, Washington, Paris, London and Berlin – and that they're accusing the Syrian government of escalating the situation rather than accusing the terrorists who attacked Damascus, Aleppo and other cities in a desperate attempt to provide a political cover for the actions of these groups – which include terrorists from Arab and foreign countries – and to provide material and moral support for them and cover up their crimes. The letters went on to elaborate that these capitals' support for the terrorist groups includes the calls made by these countries' officials to hold other meetings of the UNSC and General Assembly to discuss Syria, despite the fact that the Syrian government and law-enforcement forces are exercising their right to defend innocent civilians as per international law, international humanitarian law, human rights law, and the international agreement signed by the Syrian government and the UNSMIS in 19/4/2012, specifically item 16 of said agreement. The Ministry said that the most surprising thing is that some international sides – specifically permanent and non-permanent members of the UNSC – decided to work outside the UNSC and its procedures, which means that they relinquished their responsibilities and that they aim to escalate the Syrian crisis to reach their well-known goals of altering Syria's principle positions, imposing political conditions on it that contradict its people's aspirations, and destroying the Syrian state. The letters said that out of concern over the moral role of the UNSC and in compliance with the UN Charter, Syria calls on all UNSC members to demand that armed groups withdraw from the Syrian cities they attacked and cease their terrorism, and to demand that the countries supporting the terrorists cease their blatant tactics and support Annan's six-point plan and the agreement reached during Annan's meeting with the Syrian leadership in Damascus. The Ministry concluded by saying that the Syrian government reiterates its commitment to carrying out Annan's plan and initiative and that that it welcomes the results of the Geneva meeting out of its declared belief that there is no solution for the Syrian crisis except through having the Syrian people's representatives engage in national dialogue to find a way out that ends bloodshed, protects Syrians' dignity, and guarantees the building of Syria's future and its stability through a Syrian decision and under a Syrian leadership.

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  1. سياسة
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