Journalists Union Calls on Arab Union to Condemn the Terrorists' Acts against Syrian Media

الثلاثاء, 31 تموز 2012 الساعة 19:19 | , News

Journalists Union Calls on Arab Union to Condemn the Terrorists' Acts against Syrian Media
jouhina news, The Journalists Union on Tuesday called on the Arab Journalists Union to circulate condemnation of the parties that are funding and supporting the armed groups in Syria and inciting for the killing of journalists. The call came in a letter addressed to the Arab Union informing it of the recent abduction of a number of Syrian journalists. The letter clarified that the abduction coincided with assault on other journalists and the cutting off of the broadcast of Addounia satellite channel. The letter also referred to the plans of Arab and foreign intelligence services to hijack the Syrian satellite channels to broadcast false news to mislead the Syrian public. The Syrian Union stressed that the targeting of Syrian media and journalists is an attempt to obliterate the truth of the conspiracy against Syria that is aimed at undermining the state's structure, destroying its institutions and eliminating its experts and men of science and skills. The letter expressed the Syrian journalists' condemnation of the terrorist groups' acts of killing, abduction and sabotage directed against the media men and institutions and their adherence to the political solution. The Union called on the Arab Journalists Union to assume its professional responsibility and denounce the crimes committed by the armed groups against the Syria media and journalists which have exposed the false claims of freedom and democracy made by some.

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  1. سياسة
  2. شؤون محلية
  3. مواقف واراء
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