Gatilov: Tendentious Media Try to Make up for Opposition's Failure

الثلاثاء, 31 تموز 2012 الساعة 19:20 | , News

Gatilov: Tendentious Media Try to Make up for Opposition's Failure
jouhina news, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, said some media outlets are providing advance coverage of the events in Syria. Posting on his page on the internet, Gatilov pointed out that tendentious media outlets are trying by all means to make up for what the opposition has failed to achieve. Gennady Zyuganov Condemns US Double-Standard Policy on Syria Chairman of the Russian Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov condemned on Tuesday the US hostile acts and the double-standard policy against Syria, calling for stopping its interference in the internal affairs of Syria and respecting the UN Charter. In a statement, Zyuganov said that the West has been practicing for one and a half year a fierce attack against Syria in addition to the arrogant statements which brag about democracy and human rights. He added that the advocates of globalization have shown their thirst for blood through encouraging bloodshed in Syria and through presenting the acts of local extremists such as the Muslim Brotherhood gunmen as popular protests, adding that the so-called Syrian opposition consists of more than 65000 mercenaries from Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Jordan. He called on the Russian Foreign Ministry to continue its 'constructive stance' which calls for a settlement for the crisis in Syria without military interference.

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