Al-Jaafari: Draft Resolution on Syria Hysteric and Misleading, Violates International Legitimacy Principles

الجمعة, 3 آب 2012 الساعة 20:21 | , News

Al-Jaafari: Draft Resolution on Syria Hysteric and Misleading, Violates International Legitimacy Principles
jouhina news, Syria's Permanent Representative in the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari, on Friday said that the draft resolution on Syria submitted by Saudi Arabia to the UN General Assembly is hysteric and misleading, violating all international legitimacy principles, primarily the principle of respecting national sovereignty and non-interference in countries' internal affairs. In a speech before the UN General Assembly, al-Jaafari said that adopting the draft resolution sends a wrong message to extremists and terrorists in Syria and elsewhere, since the terrorist acts these people carry out as an alternative to dialogue and peaceful settlements are encouraged and supported by UN member countries, which will only exacerbate the situation, increase violence and strengthen terrorism in Syria and the entire region, which will eventually cause terrorism to reach the very areas that spawned it, including some of the countries that adopted the draft resolution. He pointed out to the irony in that the countries adopting the resolution presented it under article 34 on the prevention of armed conflicts, while these very same countries have had a considerable part in the militarization of the situation in Syria and pushing it away from the desired political solution by providing weapons to terrorist groups in Syria, adding that the French Foreign Minister admitted to this three days ago when he acknowledged that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are delivering weapons to these groups, while some western media outlets confirmed that US anti-aircraft Stinger missiles have reached these armed groups via Turkey. Al-Jaafari said that some of the countries which adopt the draft resolution are leading a hysteric political media and intelligence campaign against Syria, funding and arming the armed terrorist groups – not to the peaceful, honest internal national opposition – and providing them with logistic support, adding that some of these countries also provide media and political cover to the armed groups and impose unilateral sanctions that contradict the six-point plant and pose an injustice on the Syrian people in a manner violating UN resolution, which further exacerbated the humanitarian situation on the ground, while at the same time these same sides bemoan the humanitarian situation in their statements. He stressed that if these countries voicing concern over the humanitarian situation in Syria were truly honest in their concern, they would have allocated the billions of dollars spend of funding, arming and equipping terrorists with communication devices for humanitarian aid, noting that all promises made by these countries regarding humanitarian aid were mere deceptions as no-one in Syria saw any such aid even months after agreeing to the humanitarian response plan with the UN. Al-Jaafari added that some of the countries that adopted the draft, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain, cannot be considered as examples of democracy and respecting human rights, as these countries are governed by oligarchic, tyrannical regimes that don't hesitate to suppress their people and murder protestors, adding that the state of human rights and basic liberties in them is considered among the worst in the world according to documented reports by human rights organizations and opposition sources abroad. He went on to affirm that other countries that adopted the draft are among the direct contributors to the deterioration of the situation in Syria, and that they have no credibility in terms of commitment to UN resolution in light of prior experiences, as many of these countries manipulated such resolutions and tailored them to fit their interests as to permit them to partake in military intervention in other countries using pretexts of disarming weapons of mass destruction, protecting human rights, protecting civilians, and other noble principles that were never truly among these countries goals; rather they were mere slogans employed to interfere in other countries' affairs, topple governments and plunge countries into chaos, civil wars and sectarian infighting. Al-Jaafari warned against the danger of the UN General Assembly becoming a cover for spreading legal terrorism and undermining stability and security around the world through political, financial and media pressure, or having the Assembly be used to give legitimacy to agendas that shook most member countries' faith in the rule of law on the international level, particularly after the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and the manipulation of the resources of several developing countries, particularly in Africa. He pointed out that during the current crisis, Syria witnessed a series of terrorist bombings, and that the Syrian authorities arrested and killed large numbers of Arab and non-Arab terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda and other extremist, Salafi and Wahabi organizations linked to Al Qaeda in terms of mentality and ideology. Al-Jaafari pointed out to the contradiction in some countries – which always claimed to denounce terrorism and Al Qaeda and waged wars on this basis – are directly or indirectly supporting the growing terrorist activities of Al Qaeda and other extremist groups in Syria to serve "creative chaos" as it is well-known that some countries facilitated, funded and instigated the sending of terrorist to Syria, which explains why those who submitted the draft didn't refer to these terrorists at all as this would indict them. He went on to say that while many western countries are combating Salafi, Wahabi and Takfiri sleeper terrorists cells in their territories, the same countries are working hard to activate such cells in Syria, with some countries carrying out a methodical campaign of promoting violence and terrorism to Syria despite the fact that UN laws prohibit such acts and equate instigation of these crimes to committing them. Al-Jaafari wondered of this draft resolution actually aims at invoking international law to hold those responsible for terrorism, violence and acts of murder and vandalism in Syria responsible for their crimes. He called on member countries to not vote for it so that they do not become indirect accomplices in supporting chaos and terrorism and interfering in countries' internal affairs and legalizing unilateral sanctions, calling on them to vote against it to support UN principles that equate countries in sovereignty and respect people's right of self-determination. He added that Syria was expecting from Saudi Arabia to submit a draft resolution to liberate the Saudi islands in the Red Sea which were occupied by Israel instead of faking sorrow over the Syrians and manipulating the fate of Palestinian refugees in Syria. Al-Jaafari went on to say that Saudi and Qatari media wasn't content with targeting Syria; it also targeted him and his family members in an immoral manner to extort him, with Saudi and Qatari media attacking him directly for hours-long programs and fabricating lies and allegations defaming his family, not to mention hosting social interaction sites that encourage murder and make lists of Syrians to be killed in Syria and outside it, wondering if this is how terrorism is combated or how diplomacy is carried out. "You're all ambassadors and defend your countries' interest; this is something, and being targeted along with your families is another thing which I leave to your conscience," he said, adding that many threats of murder were directed at him and other Syrian diplomats from sites based in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United States. Al-Jaafari concluded by saying that the General Assembly Chairman assumed a position towards the draft resolution in advance, which violates the General Assembly's internal laws which require the Chairman to be neutral and direct the session impartially, noting that this is the tenth such violation committed by the Chairman during his chairing of the Assembly. Venezuela Representative: Syria Facing Opposition that Supports Terrorism For his part, Venezuela's Representative in the UN said that the Syrian government is not facing a democratic and peaceful opposition, adding that Syria is facing an opposition that supports and resorts to terrorism, adding that this opposition is receiving foreign support and refusing dialogue. In a speech before the UN General Assembly, Venezuela representative said that the draft resolution suggests taking steps for foreign intervention in a sovereign country, which makes the draft nonobjective and in violation of humanitarian principles. "Venezuela takes its stances under the principle of respecting the sovereignty and national unity of the independent countries, that is why we hope that this draft will be rejected," he added. He stressed that funding and arming the armed groups of the opposition is a violation of the international laws and the UN Charter, urging all the UN organization to provide aid to the Syrian people with full respect of the Syrian sovereignty He also stressed the need to end violence regardless of form and source, and that political dialogue is the only way to resolve the Syrian crisis, adding that his country supported the Plan of UN Envoy Kofi Annan and regrets his resignation and the fact that warmongers destroyed Annan's plan. The Representative voiced Venezuela's support for the efforts exerted by Russia to resolve the Syrian crisis and the decision suggested by Russia and China in this regard, noting that colonialist countries are imposing sanctions against Syria and continue to push draft resolutions in the General Assembly that interfere in Syria's internal affairs and suit the goals of terrorists. In turn, Cuba Representative said that Cuba opposes foreign intervention in the countries' internal affairs, expressing support to the right of the Syrians in implementing reforms without foreign interference  

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