Two Jordanian terrorists Confess to Infiltrating into Syria to Perpetrate terrorist acts against Syrian people

الثلاثاء, 7 آب 2012 الساعة 11:16 | , News

Two Jordanian terrorists Confess to Infiltrating into Syria to Perpetrate terrorist acts against Syrian people
jouhina news, Jordanian terrorists Mohammad Ibrahim and Abdul-Rahman al-Titi admitted that they infiltrated into Syria after they were recruited by the Jihadist Salafi movement in Jordan in order to carry out terrorist acts against the Syrian people. "My presence here in Syria was the Jihad against the Syrian government.. a person called Adnan Naefeh from al-Zarkaa city in Jordan has persuaded me of this notion because he told me that the ruler in Syria doesn't rule through Quran and we should fight against him and against the Syrian government," terrorist Mohammad Hussein Mohammad Ibrahim said in confessions to the Syrian TV broadcast Monday. He added that in 2005 he was arrested in Jordan because he had used a counterfeited driving license, and while he was there, he was introduced to a group of 4 persons who were planning to carry out jihadist acts against the Jews in Palestine, but they were arrested by the Jordanian authoritie. "Last year, the jihadist salafis told me to go for jihad in Syria.. my role was to bring Men from Amman and al-Zarkaa and take them to a person called Abu Bandar," Terrorist Ibrahim said. He added that when he met Abu Bandar, he told him that he will send him to Syria along with a person called Salah al-Zo'bi who will take him to Daraa and then to the so-called the free army where he should ask about Abu al-Baraa or Abu Anas al Sahabi, a leader in al-Qaeda's Jabahat al-Nasra. "They told me that when I arrive in Syria, I will meet Syrian men to teach me the Syrian dialect, and they will give me a fake Syrian identity in order to move freely in the streets.. later they will booby-trap a new car to blast it in Damascus," terrorist Ibrahim said. He added that when they headed for the Syrian lands, they met ten Egyptian men in order to enter the country, they gave each of them a Russian rifle. During night, they went into the border, but after they crossed the Jordanian checkpoint, they were surprised by Syrian security forces who arrested them. For his part, terrorist Abdul-Rahman al-Titi said that the person called Abu Naefe contacted him and asked him to travel to Syria. "We drove our car and went to Abu Bandar who introduced us to a Jordanian Smuggler. Later, Salah al-Zo'bi accompanied us and we drove into the Syrian borders," terrorist al-Titi said. He added that when they approached the Syrian borders, the Syrian authorities arrested them along with 10 Egyptian men.

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تصنيفات الأخبار الرئيسية

  1. سياسة
  2. شؤون محلية
  3. مواقف واراء
  4. رياضة
  5. ثقافة وفن
  6. اقتصاد
  7. مجتمع
  8. منوعات
  9. تقارير خاصة
  10. كواليس
  11. اخبار الصحف
  12. منبر جهينة
  13. تكنولوجيا