Armed Forces Continue Cleaning Aleppo Neighborhoods from Terrorists … Terrorists Suffer Heavy Losses in Homs, Deir Ezzor and Daraa

الجمعة, 10 آب 2012 الساعة 13:24 | , News

Armed Forces Continue Cleaning Aleppo Neighborhoods from Terrorists … Terrorists Suffer Heavy Losses in Homs, Deir Ezzor and Daraa
jouhina news, The Syrian armed forces on Friday cleaned Akyoul and Qadi Askar Roundabouts in Aleppo from terrorists. Units of the armed forces chased armed terrorist groups that commit killing, kidnapping and sabotage acts in al-Iza'a and Saif al-Dawleh neighborhoods in Aleppo. A source in the province told SANA reporter that the armed forces units inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists killing and wounding many of them. Qualitative Operation against Terrorists in Homs, Several Terrorist Infiltration Attempts from Lebanon Foiled Authorities carried out a qualitative operation in Bab Hood neighborhood in Homs killing a number of terrorists who holed up in al-Mohandiseen Building. A source in the province said that the terrorists committed sabotage acts and fired shells on the surrounding neighborhoods. Last night, the authorities foiled several terrorist infiltration attempts from the Lebanese territories through al-Ariyda, al-Ghaida and al-Bahloniyeh sites in Tal Kalakh countryside in Homs. The authorities confronted the terrorists who were riding motorbikes while others on foot , a source in the proince told SANA reporter. Attempt to Blow up Booby-trapped Car in Homs Countryside Foiled The competent authorities foiled an attempt to blow up a car loaded with a big quantity of explosives that was intended to target law-enforcement members in Souq al-Ghanam east of Deir Baalbeh in Homs countryside. A source in the governorate told SANA that the booby-trapped car was found with a tied person inside who was later known to have been kidnapped by armed terrorist groups. The source added that the engineering units dismantled the explosive devices that were rigged for remote detonation and set the person inside free. The source said that the devices weighed around 250 kg of TNT. Two Explosive Devices Dismantled in Hama In Hama, the military engineering units dismantled two 20-kg explosive devices planted by an armed terrorist group in Gharb al-Mashtal neighborhood on the City. A source in the province told SANA reporter that the radio-controlled explosive devices were planted in a residential area nead al-Tetan Mosque. Authorities Pursue Terrorists in Deir Ezzor, Inflict Heavy Losses upon Them Authorities pursued an armed terrorist group in al-Baladiyeh Villat neighborhood in Deir Ezzor inflicting heavy losses upon its members. Meanwhile, the authorities chased another group of terrorists who attacked citizens and prevented them from reaching their workplaces in Khsham town in the countryside of Deir Ezzor. The chasing operation resulted in the killing and wounding of a number of terrorists. The terrorists Khalil al-Mohammad and Khaled al-Shami were identified. A source in the province told SANA reporter that the authorities destroyed a command center in Mo Hassan city in the countryside of Deir Ezzor which was used to store weapons and ammunition. Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Daraa Authorities in Daraa clashed with terrorist groups in Saida town killing a number of gunmen. A source in the province said that the terrorists Yaser Tayseer Sbeih and Anas Mohammad al-Masri.

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