Iran's Interior Minister: Creating Crisis in Syria Is Part of the Scenarios to Cover Israel's Crimes

الأربعاء, 22 آب 2012 الساعة 09:55 | , News

Iran's Interior Minister: Creating Crisis in Syria Is Part of the Scenarios to Cover Israel's Crimes
jouhina news, Iranian Interior Minister, Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, said creating crisis and tension in Syria is one of the scenarios of the leaders of the hegemony powers that are aimed to provide cover for the crimes of the Zionist entity in the region. In a speech on Tuesday in the province of Hamdan, in western Iran, Najjar added that the world hegemony powers are seeking through this scheme to divert the public opinion's attention from the Zionist entity's brutal crimes and direct it towards Syria. He warned that what is happening in Syria comes in the context of plots prepared in advance by the leaders of world hegemony to spread discord among the ranks of the Islamic Nation. Iran's Interior Minister said the opening and use by these powers of hundreds of satellite channels and radio stations and the allocation of huge budgets for media and for sending arms into Syria is aimed at making what the Zionist entity is doing look as if it is among the less important issues in the region. Boroujerdi: US Project of Targeting Syria Suffered New Defeat in the Region Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee at Iran's Shura Council, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, considered that the American project targeting Syria has recorded a new defeat for the US. In a statement to the Iranian IRNA news agency on Tuesday, Boroujerdi said Washington seeks to change the political structure in Syria through creating crisis in it with the aim of consolidating its capabilities after losing its bases in Iraq and Egypt. He highlighted how Washington has sought, by making use of the capabilities of the European countries and the Zionist entity and with the encouragement of some Arab countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to inflame the situation in Syria and target it. The Iranian official however stressed that the US's project against Syria suffered another defeat in the region.

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