Armed Forces Continue Pursuing Terrorists in Aleppo and Its Countryside

الجمعة, 24 آب 2012 الساعة 21:12 | , News

Armed Forces Continue Pursuing Terrorists in Aleppo and Its Countryside
jouhina news, The armed forces on Friday continued to pursue terrorist groups in some neighborhoods of Aleppo and in its countryside, carrying out several operations resulting in heavy losses in personnel and equipment among terrorists. A source at the province told SANA's correspondent that in cooperation with local, an armed forces unit cleared al-Aqaba area in Aleppo's Old City from terrorists, killing a large number of them. An armed forces unit clashed with terrorists who were trying to enter Aleppo coming from Hreitan in Aleppo countryside, killing five of them and confiscating their weapons. Another armed forces unit clashed with terrorists in the area of al-Sayyed Ali near al-Hatab Square in the city of Aleppo, killing 9 terrorists including one sniper, while yet another unit arrested a number of terrorists who tried to infiltrate into al-Hatab Square from a an adjacent neighborhood. In Bustan al-Qaser, an armed forces unit carried out an operation resulting in the elimination of a number of terrorists. Meanwhile, in al-Hazazeh neighborhood in al-Jdeida area in the city, security forces clashed with an armed terrorist group killing a number of terrorists, including two snipers, and repelled a terrorist group which was attempting to enter Maysaloun neighborhood, killing and injuring its members. In Aleppo countryside, armed forces units targeted groups of terrorists and weapon storehouses in Qabtan al-Jabal and the villages of Sarrinand al-Arina, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists. An armed forces unit carried out an operation on Raqqa-Aleppo highway near the thermal power station, targeting tens of terrorists who were attempting to enter the city, with the terrorists ending up dead or wounded. Another armed forces unit carried out an operation against groups if terrorists in the towns of Kafr Hamra and Maarat al-Artik in Aleppo northern countryside, resulting in the deaths of several terrorists. In Dahret Awwad near al-Shaar area in Aleppo, an armed forces unit destroyed a command center for terrorist groups and a factory for manufacturing explosive devices, killing and injuring several terrorists. 40 Cars Equipped with Machineguns Destroyed in Aleppo The source told SANA reporter that the armed forces on Thursday carried out a qualitative operation in which they destroyed 40 cars for the terrorists that were equipped with DShK machineguns, . The source noted that the cars were coming from Jarablus towards Aleppo city. The source mentioned that a unit from the armed forces killed a number of terrorists who set up a mortar on a building's roof near Ein Jalout School in the neighborhood of al-Ansari in the city of Aleppo. He added that another army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that attacked citizens near al-Wafa elderly care home in Hanano area in the city. Armed Forces Repel Terrorists Who Attempted to Block Lattakia-Aleppo Highway An armed forces unit repelled a group of terrorists who were attempting to block the Lattakia-Aleppo Highway between the villages of al-Qasatel and MAzyan in Lattakia countryside, with the operation resulting in the killing and wounding of the terrorists. Armed Forces Pursue Terrorists in al-Razi Fields, Darayya and Douma Armed forces units pursued mercenary terrorists in al-Razi fields in Damascus and in the town of Darayya in Damascus countryside, killing many of them and confiscating weapons and ammo. In al-Razi fields, an armed forces unit raided a terrorist hideout and confiscated a store of weapons, some of them of Israeli make. The weapons included RPG launchers and rounds, automatic rifles and ammo, in addition to communication devices In Darayya, an armed forces unit delivered a crippling blow to terrorists who were terrorizing locals and committing vandalism, eliminating many terrorists, destroying their cars which were equipped with DShK machineguns, and confiscating a large amount of weapons including three mortar launchers, in addition to arresting a large number of terrorists, some of them non-Syrians. In Douma in Damascus Countryside, the authorities chased down remnants of terrorist groups and eliminated a number of terrorists including Fouad Billa, Khaled Abdelmalek, Younes Khabiye and Mohannad Hamadeh, and arrested others. Infiltration Attempts by Terrorist Groups from Lebanon Foiled In Homs, a unit from the armed forces on Thursday night foiled a number of attempts at infiltration by armed terrorists groups as they tried to cross the border from Lebanon at the sites of Edlin, Halat and al-Shabrouniyeh in the countryside of Talkalakh city. SANA reporter quoted a source in Homs province as saying that the army unit clashed with the terrorist groups killing and injuring large number of terrorists, while others managed to flee back into the Lebanese territories. Terrorists Attacking Citizens and Security Personnel Repelled in Talkalakh, Homs The source also mentioned that the authorities in Talkalakh city repelled last night terrorist groups as they tried to attack citizens and law enforcement personnel. The authorities, said the source, inflicted heavy losses upon the group's members killing and injuring many terrorists including Walid Abdul-Karim al-Omar. In the town of al-Hosn in Talkalakh countryside, an armed forces unit on Friday carried out an operation against terrorists who were attacking citizens and properties, committing murder and robbery, and blocking roads, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists. Also in Homs province, the authorities carried out an operation in the northern neighborhood of al-Qseir town, eliminating a number of terrorist in the area. A source at the province told SANA that the authorities also repelled an attack by a terrorist group against law-enforcement forces in al-Joura area near the village of Jusiya in al-Qseir countryside, killing and injuring several terrorists. In addition, the authorities pursued a terrorist group that attempted to attack law-enforcement forces in Talbisa, Homs countryside, killing a number of terrorists and destroying the cars they were using. A source said that the authroties continue to pursue remnants of terrorist groups in al-Khalidiye, Bab Houd and al-Qarabis areas in Homs, inflicting losses upon them. Competent Authorities Pursue Armed Terrorist Groups in Ariha The competent authorities continued for the third consecutive day cracking down on armed terrorist groups in Ariha, Idleb countryside, and inflicted heavy losses on them. SANA quoted a source in the governorate as saying that the competent authorities killed and injured a number of terrorists , destroyed their cars and confiscated weapons and ammunition. The source added that the competent authorities in Idleb pursued an armed terrorist group who stole a tank truck loaded with more than 40 thousand liters of gas oil on Ariha-Aleppo road and recovered the truck. Crackdown on Terrorists Continues in Daraa The competent authorities continued cracking down on terrorists in al-Hrak town in Daraa countryside and clashed with them on Friday, inflicting direct casualties. An official source told SANA that the terrorists Nash'at Mohammad al-Salamat, Qassem Mohammad Fayez al-Kaddah and Diaa Samir al-Salamat were among the dead. Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Hama Countryside In Hama, the authorities on Friday clashed with a group of terrorists in the areas of al-Masafneh and Tibet al-Imam in the countryside of the province. SANA reporter cited a source in the province as saying that the clashes resulted in killing and injuring a number of terrorists, noting that the body of terrorist Zaher Hassan al-Sarhini was identified among the dead.

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