Haidar: Iran Can Assist with National Reconciliation Project and Help Syria Emerge from Crisis

الأحد, 26 آب 2012 الساعة 08:05 | , News

Haidar: Iran Can Assist with National Reconciliation Project and Help Syria Emerge from Crisis
jouhina news, National Reconciliation Minister Dr. Ali Haidar said that Iran is an influential country in the region and can assist with matters that serve national reconciliation and help Syria emerge from the current crisis In a statement upon his arrival in Tehran on Saturday, Haidar said that Iran and its people are friends of the Syrian people, which makes it natural to discuss with the Iranian leadership some issues related to national reconciliation to help Syria and its people emerge from the crisis which had lasted for more than a year and a half. He pointed out that the Iranian initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis are based on Iran's positions during the crisis when it showed its rejection of any interference in Syria's internal affairs and on the principle stating that the Syrian crisis can only be solved by the Syrians themselves Haidar stressed that any initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis be based on preventing foreign interference, rejecting violence, and a political solution among Syrians will be in the best interest of the Syrian people.

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  2. شؤون محلية
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