Haidar: Iran's Role is in the Interest of Syrian People… Polticial Process Must Be Between National Sides

الإثنين, 27 آب 2012 الساعة 17:21 | , News

 Haidar: Iran's Role is in the Interest of Syrian People… Polticial Process Must Be Between National Sides
jouhina news, State Minister for National Reconciliation Affairs Dr. Ali Haidar said that Iran's role is in the interest of the Syrian people and is based on preventing foreign interference and halting violence, stressing that the political process in Syria must be between national sides. In a press conference on Monday, Haidar affirmed that and that any call for foreign intervention will have no place in the coming political stage, and that any suggestion that manifests the US-western project to fragment the region is a non-national suggestion. He said that everyone knows that Iran has an active role in producing a political process that helps Syrians emerge from the crisis, and that the Syrian themselves - both the people and the leadership – are moving towards a political solution, not any other sort of solution. Haidar stressed that that Syrian wants a change that makes Syria stronger and more capable of confronting and resisting the US-western project and its tools in the region, adding that any political solution must be based on preventing foreign intervention and rejecting violence from any side, and that this solution must be achieved by the Syrians without interference from any external side and must preserve the unity of people and land and Syria's historic strategic choices. He pointed out that doors are still open for everyone, and that this was discussed with friends and allies in Iran, affirming that militants who cross borders from other countries to carry out their own agendas in Syria have nothing to do with the political process and will never be a part of it since they didn't come to Syria to defend the Syrians' interests and just demands, adding that this is an entirely different issue that the Syrian government is dealing with through confrontations on the ground against these militants. Haidar underlined the need to distinguish between the political process as a whole and national dialogue which is one of the axis of the political process and a method to find safe ways out of the crisis that meet the Syrians' just demands which are well-known and which the government is working to achieve. "As for the reason behind the insistence by the US and some western countries and their tools in the region to have President al-Assad abdicate as a first step to resolving the crisis in Syria, I will respond that this is unacceptable in principle for the reason – as everybody knows – that this suggestion came from abroad and is a direct interference in Syria's internal affairs and a violation of the sovereignty of a country, a sovereignty which is acknowledged by all countries of the world, and this violates the international convention of the people's right to self-determination," he explained. Haidar went on to say that the issue, structure and mechanisms of change are purely Syrian issues, and that no-one has the right to interfere in them. Therefore, discussing these points constitutes interference in Syrian affairs, adding "all suggestions – whether they are abdication, a transitional phase, a transitional government or otherwise – that interfere in these points are rejected by the Syrians." He stressed that the only acceptable thing is helping Syrians engage in dialogue, abandon weapons and adopt a political process, noting that it's possible to pose ideas through dialogue which is open to everyone, and that there will be no veto on any idea.

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