Al-Moallem: We Believe that the USA is the Major Player against Syria and the Rest are Its Instruments

الثلاثاء, 28 آب 2012 الساعة 19:12 | , News

Al-Moallem: We Believe that the USA is the Major Player against Syria and the Rest are Its Instruments
jouhina news, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem affirmed that We belive the USA is the major player against Syria and the rest are its instruments under its control. In an interview with the British newspaper the Independent conducted by journalist Robert Fisk, al-Moallem said that America is behind Syria's violence, and that he doesn't understand its slogan of fighting international terrorism when it's supporting terrorism in Syria. He pointed out that over 60% of the country's violence comes from abroad, specifically from Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, with the United States exercising its influence over all others, adding "When the Americans say, 'We are supplying the opposition with sophisticated instruments of telecommunications', isn't this part of a military effort, when they supply the opposition with USD 25 million?" Al-Moallem pointed out that the goal of what is happening in Syria is to pressure it regarding its relations with Iran and resistance movements in Palestine and Lebanon, saying "We were told by some Western envoy at the beginning of this crisis that relations between Syria and Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, Syria and Hamas are the major elements behind this crisis. If we settle this issue, they will help end the crisis." He went on to say that the Americans succeeded in frightening the Gulf countries about Iran's nuclear capabilities, persuading them to buy arms from the US and fulfilling Franklin Roosevelt's 1936 dream of maintaining bases for oil transportation. Regarding the European positions towards the Syrian crisis, al-Moallem said "I tell the Europeans: I don't understand your slogan about the welfare of the Syrian people when you are supporting 17 resolutions against the welfare of the Syrian people." As for Qatari-Syrian relations, al-Moallem noted that Qatar was the one who reneged on these relations, saying that he met Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani in Doha in November 2011 when the Arab League launched its initiative which led to sending observers to Syria, pointing out that during this meeting, Hamad told him "If you agree to this initiative, I will change the attitude of Al Jazeera and I will tell Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi to support Syria and reconciliation, and I have put down some billions of dollars to rebuild Syria." He added that he asked Hamad about having had very close relations with Muammar Gaddafi and why he sent his aircrafts to attack Libya and be part of NATO, with Hamad responding by saying simply "Because we don't want to lose our momentum in Tunis and Egypt." Al-Moallem stressed that the crisis started with legitimate demands subsequently addressed by legislation and reforms and even a new constitution, but then came foreign elements who used these legitimate demands to hijack the peaceful agenda of the people. "I don't accept as a citizen to return back centuries to a regime which can bring Syria backwards. In principle …no government in the world can accept an armed terrorist group, some of them coming from abroad, controlling streets and villages in the name of jihad," he said, adding that as a Syrian citizen, he is sad to see what's happening in Syria, compared with how it was two years ago. "There are many Syrians like me – eager to see Syria return to the old days when we were proud of our security," he concluded.

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