Official Military Source: Army Members Bravely Repel Terrorist Attack on Taftanaz Military Airport in Idleb

الأربعاء, 29 آب 2012 الساعة 12:28 | , News

Official Military Source: Army Members Bravely Repel Terrorist Attack on Taftanaz Military Airport in Idleb
jouhina news, Taftanaz Military Airport in the province of Idleb early Wednesday came under a terrorist attack that was carried out by large numbers of armed terrorist gangs, an official military source said on Wednesday. The source added that the army members bravely repelled the terrorist attack on the military airport inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists who fell dead or injured, while a number of them fled away. No losses were caused to the equipment or the army members during the clashes except for slight injury to two army personnel, the source affirmed. "This attack comes in the framework of the frenzied war waged by Syria's enemies on the country to undermine the veneration of our ideologized army and affect the morale of its brave members who are pounding the remnant of the fleeing hired gangs," the source said. It applauded the residents of Taftanaz area for their cooperation in thwarting the attack and enabling the army members to inflict the heaviest losses upon the terrorists' ranks through informing about the gunmen's locations and movements.

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