Army Forces Carry Out Qualitative Operations against Terrorists in Several Areas

الخميس, 30 آب 2012 الساعة 20:20 | , News

Army Forces Carry Out Qualitative Operations against Terrorists in Several Areas
jouhina news, A unit of the armed forces on Thursday clashed with terrorists near al-Rasheed Mosque in the neighborhood of Saif al-Dawla in the city of Aleppo killing a number of them and injuring others. A source in the province told SANA reporter that the army forces on Wednesday carried out qualitative operations against the armed terrorist groups in Tal Rifaat, Marea, Hamra, Hreitan and Hayan areas in Aleppo countryside. The operations resulted in the killing and injury of a large number of terrorists and the destruction of their dens. A unit of the armed forces carried out a qualitative operation, targeting a terrorists' den near al-Ibn Mosque in Qastal Harami, and inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists. They also arrested a sniper and three other terrorists in al-Azzamyeh. Army Forces Destroy 6 Cars for Terrorists Equipped with DShK Machineguns in Aleppo The armed forces carried out a qualitative operation targeting a hideout of an armed terrorist group near Mahmoud Saif School in al-Sakhour neighborhood in the city of Aleppo, killing scores of terrorists. SANA reporter said that the army forces destroyed 6 cars equipped with DShK machineguns and a small truck carrying terrorists near Kfar Hamra. The cars were coming from Andan and Hayan in the countryside towards the city. Units of the armed forces clashed with an armed terrorist group that blocked the Central Prison road in the city of Aleppo, killed all its members, cleaned the area and opened the road. The armed forces also targeted the mercenary terrorists in al-Sukari and al-Kallaseh areas and killed a number of them. The army forces clashed with an armed terrorist group near the farms of the Cement Factory in al-Maslamiyeh area, inflicting heavy losses upon its members. Army Forces Enter Zamalka, Damascus Countryside, upon Request of Its Citizens A unit of the armed forces continued on Thursday pursuing the fleeing mercenary terrorists in Zamalaka city in Damascus Countryside. The army members killed a number of the terrorists and seized their weapons which included Israeli-made grenades. A clash broke out with an armed terrorist group at al-Kabir Mosque in the city in which a large number of terrorists were killed while others managed to escape. In response to the apeals of the innocent civilians in Zamalka city, units of the army forces on Wednesday entered Zamalka to relieve the residents of the armed terrorist groups which wreaked havoc and sabotage in the city. The citizens expressed relief over restoring security and safety to their town after the entry of the army. In Ein Tarma, Damascus Countryside, a unit of the armed forces clashed with an armed terrorist group, killing a number of its members and injuring others. An armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device attached to a car injuring several citizens in Jaramana in Damascus countryside. An armed forces' unit targeted hideouts for terrorists in Erbin and killed big numbers of terrorists. Stolen Archeological Findings Found in Terrorists' Den in Hama In Hama province, the authorities found a number of stolen archeological findings in a den for terrorist groups in Karkat town. SANA reporter quoted a source in the province as saying that the findings, which included a mosaic painting, one of the rarest in the world, that was stolen from Afamia (Apamia) Museum, were meant to be smuggled outside Syria. The source added that the authorities also found inside the den advanced communication devices meant to be used for sending fabricated videos to tendentious channels, in addition to a base for manually manufactured anti-aircraft machinegun. Authorities in Homs Kill a Sniper, Inflict Heavy Losses upon Terrorists In Homs, the authorities on Wednesday killed a sniper who was shooting people from a building on al-Khandaq Street in Bab Hood neighborhood in the city. A source in the province said the authorities also clashed with an armed terrorist group coming from al-Hashish Souq to assist terrorists in Bab Hood. The clash resulted in the killing of a number of the group's members and the injury of others. The source added that the authorities later pursued and killed a large number of terrorists who were trying to pull the bodies of the dead mercenaries from the street. Also, the authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group that attempted to attack citizens and law enforcement members in al-Jouseih area in al-Qsseir countryside, inflicting them heavy losses on them. The competent authorities repelled an armed terrorist group that attacked law-enforcement members in al-Quseir in Homs countryside, killing three terrorists and injuring others. The competent authorities also clashed with three terrorists in a pick-up car who attacked citizens in al-Qseir in Homs countryside and kill them. In Daraa. Military engineering units dismantled an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group in Hitteen neighborhood. The explosive device weighs about 40 kg and it contains a mercurial material covered with gypsum and supplied with a remote control, according to an official source in the province. In Idleb, armed forces stormed into six dens used by the terrorists in the old town of Ariha in the province, where they found computers, weapons, ammunition and explosive devices. They confiscated six pickups and found a field hospital, containing medical supplies stolen from public hospitals and medical centers in the area. An official source in the province told SANA reporter that the armed forces stormed into a terrorists' den next Hananow School, killing six terrorists. In Deir-Ezzor, four cars exploded during an attempt of terrorists to trap them on Hassaka road. A big number of the terrorists were killed during the explosion, SANA reporter said. He added that, Shihab al-Hassan, the leader of a terrorist group in Abo Khashab semi-desert in the province, was among the dead. The authorities attacked a den for training terrorists near al-Orfi School in the province and killed several terrorists. Other terrorists were injured according to the source, adding that the bodies of the terrorists Abo-Jihad al-Horani and Orwa Hamdan were identified.

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