Ambassador al-Jafari: No Country Could Permit Terrorists and Mercenaries to Control Cities or to Abandon Responsibility to Protect Citizens

الجمعة, 31 آب 2012 الساعة 10:03 | , News

Ambassador al-Jafari: No Country Could Permit Terrorists and Mercenaries to Control Cities or to Abandon Responsibility to Protect Citizens
jouhina news, The UN Security Council held a session yesterday, called for by France, to bargain on the suffering of the Syrians caused by the terrorism financed and supported by France and its western allies and regional tools. Words delivered by the representatives of the enemies of Syria aimed at mixing cards and deny their responsibility in the crisis suffered by the Syrian People and at raising the morale of the terrorists operating at their orders and encouraging them to continue violence and terrorism. Syria's Ambassador to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jafari, underlined in his speech that some countries view the humanitarian aid from the perspective of "their political and interventionist agendas," citing some countries' participation in providing humanitarian aid, even in small and conditional sums, while imposing unjust economic sanctions which caused grave humanitarian consequences against the Syrian People. Al-Jafari wondered how some Arab and Islamic countries could talk about providing humanitarian aid to Syria and shed tears over the humanitarian condition of the Syrian People, while these countries had never offered any contribution to the humanitarian response plan which was signed between the Syrian Government and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA). "We wish intentions were true when some talk about dealing with the humanitarian side of the crisis. I say this because there is the impression in Syria that some want to aid the Syrian People, provided that this aid to be continued till the last Syrian in Syria!" added al-Jafari, calling for the tackling of the causes which led to the suffering amid continued destruction by the foreign-backed armed groups of the Syrians' means of life, including the infrastructure, health, education, service utilities, communication and transport means and power sources. Ambassador al-Jafari underscored that no country could permit terrorists and mercenaries to control its cities or to abandon responsibility to protect its citizens, quoting many official statements issued by some Arab, regional and international officials in support of the armed groups in Syria. Al-Jafari highlighted the Syrian positive response to and cooperation with Kofi Annan's, the resigned UN Envoy to Syria, six-point plan, not to mention Syria's welcome to Geneva action group's final statement and acceptance of Lakhdar Ibrahimi appointment as special representative for the UN Secretary General to Syria. Al-Jafari pointed out that the non-objective and mistaken reading by some and their insistence on dictations and flagrant interference in Syria's internal affairs, and the non-cooperation of some countries with Annan's six-point plan led to the resignation of Annan and to the non-extension of the observers mission in Syria. Ambassador al-Jafari presented the UN Security Council session with a list including 107 names and ID's of foreign and Arab terrorists who were killed in Aleppo by the Syrian Army, and asked for enlisting it as one of the UN official documents. Al-Jafari blasted the miserable conditions of the displaced Syrians in countries neighboring Syria, calling on these countries to allow the displaced who want to return home to return to their homeland, Syria, pointing out that some of the camps to receive the displaced Syrians have been unfortunately transferred into military centers for assembling and training terrorists before sending them to perpetrate their crimes against the Syrians. He underscored that Syria does not want "sectarian democracy", given the fact that Syria has been and would ever be for all of the Syrians with no exception, saying "Syria is civilization before being a state." Ambassador al-Jafari quoted the French FM, Laurent Fabius's, earlier statements on July the 29th in which he spoke about the delivery of weapons by Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other countries to the armed groups in Syria, calling on France, therefore, to shoulder its responsibilities as UN Security Council permanent member, and respect international law and UN Charter, and UNSC resolutions numbered 2042 and 2043. Al-Jafari blasted the role played by the Turkish Government in the crisis in Syria as a main "partner in the shedding of Syrian blood" given its hosting of armed, salafi, Wahhabi, extremist and ignorant groups and leaders with their training camps. He referred to the smuggling of weapons from Lebanon into Syria by some 'political sides' and not by the 'official Lebanon' and lambasted the unbalanced and offensive statements issued by the representatives of Morocco, France and Germany during the session, "in deviation of diplomatic traditions." On his part, the Ambassador of Russia, Vitaly Churkin, condemned the calls by some countries to provide aid to the armed terrorist groups in Syria, calling for full commitment to the principles of neutrality and honesty, asserting that humanitarian aid should be within the frame of international law. Churkin pointed out that the level of violence in Syria aggravated because of the stances taken by some members of the UN Security Council, stressing that there should be no submission to what the terrorists who desire to accomplish the more of instability , particularly their acts of oppression against the minorities, want. Ambassador Churkin called for increased pressure on all parts of the crisis in Syria as to end violence and achieve the possibility of reaching to meet the urgent humanitarian needs. 'Therefore, we have to be committed to Security Council resolutions, including Kofi Annan's plan, Geneva accord, and work with the Syrian Government and opposition and to put pressure on all parties,' said Churkin, who renewed Russia's welcome to the appointment of al-Ibrahimi as representative to Syria and Russia's willingness to provide support to him as to reach to a political solution to the crisis in Syria. For his part, Li Baodong, the Permanent Representative of China, reiterated China's support to political settlement by the Syrians themselves in Syria and opposition to whatever foreign-imposed solutions. Ambassador Li Baodong voiced China's concern over the human condition and called for the implementation of Annan's 6-point plan, Geneva declaration, asserting that the top priority is to halt all forms of violence as soon as possible. Meantime, Mohamad Jawad, Deputy Foreign Minister of Iraq, called for an end to violence preparing the necessary atmosphere to start a political process agreed upon by the representatives of the Syrian People leading to the realization of the Syrians' legitimate aspirations in preservation of security and stability in Syria and in the rest of the region countries. Jawad called for the halting of foreign meddling in the Syrian affairs because they aggravate the crisis and its humanitarian consequences, The initiative of Iraq to solve the crisis in Syria through dialogue among all spectrums. Other words delivered by the representatives of France, Turkey, Britain, and the USA were characterized by 'crocodile's tears', flagrant meddling in Syria's domestic affairs, in support to the terrorist armed groups operating in Syria in line with the western agenda aiming at the destruction of Syria. The representatives of Jordan, Lebanon, South Africa and Azerbaijan underlined the necessity to provide aid to the needed in Syria and outside it, and asserted that the political solution was through dialogue among all sides as to end the suffering of the Syrians, reiterating backing to the UN Representative, al-Akhdar al-Ibrahimi's mission

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