> Blue Jasmine

jouhina news, Libya, and it really meant that, The NATO have always said that Syria is notbecause Syria is indeed not like Libya, but in secret and under the table, the (US) NATO said to its allies (Qatar and Turkey) that Syria is like Libya, and Jisr Al Shughur and            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news, I said earlier, that the plot was on Daraa people, and did not come from Daraa, and the danger would have reached everyone, no exceptions made, and once the features of the deterioration of the US plot appeared, the US started losing            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news, Tales, talked about a woman who visited Prophet Muhammad, and demanded her sexual right by calling for prohibiting Zihaar (irrevocable divorce            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news Truth be told, the most frequent question now is, when is the victory?.. When would the battle end? previously I have avoided writing about this, i didn't even write my point of view in placing a scenario to the end of the events,            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news The frustration of a project, makes it difficult to predict the results in case it was successful, thus when plans are exposed, there is someone that could predict its dangers, and other could say, it was not that dangerous..            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news The Russian-Chinese VETO and the move of the Russian and Chines navy ships as a military VETO, cannot be understood unless we know the danger of the US project on humanity.            ....التفاصيل
?What if the
johina news Recruiting agents is a complicated issue that is hard to simplify and follow, the reason is the formal recruitment of the Blue Jasmine agents began in 2001, despite the presence of a number of agents before this date, and many            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news Fuhaida's wedding is a name for a war related to a Saudi girl from Al-Jawf area called "Fuhaida" that we talked about earlier, as the US dug it out from history to bring back the story to the minds... i had no info about            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news We start from the end, and the ink of the news leaked by the French media did not dry, the news about French officers training defected soldiers from the Syrian army, and some of the media which are close to Syria published            ....التفاصيل
The Blue Jasmine .. Full secrets .. Appendix 6... Media deception, between fabrication and war media.
jouhina news We said before, that the US war targets the energy, as it is on the near extend, a gas war, and on the far extend, gas and oil war ... Five decades from now, most of the world's oil will be in the Caspian sea and the Arctic ocean,            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news Many still talk about the Freemasonry, although any Masonic in this decade, does not equal the price of a document leaked to Wikileaks to destroy his future, or a colored uprising to change his regime.. we can say, that            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news The unification doctrine, is called as the Druze community, and the word Druze , for elders and scholars of this community is considered to be an insult. and the unification doctrine is a closed one, and do not invite the rest of            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news Many wonder, why the Blue Jasmine? .. and why breaking Syria from within only, and not by war?.. this questioning comes from readers side only, order know Syria's destiny in the current crisis, and if there is a possibility to wage war on Syria?..            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news We can summarize what's happening in Egypt in this story: There was a village that used to bury gold along with their dead, then came a bandit that opened the graves, stole the gold and re-buried the dead, and when the            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news: With the failure of the 'Blue Jasmine" in 2006 and 2011, USA moved to a new phase of attacking Syria.. which is the axis of part 8.            ....التفاصيل
jouhina news: Steps of planting the ordeal.. Perhaps choosing the places was clever on the geographical side, but who set the plans of planting the ordeal is            ....التفاصيل
: Juhaina News The "Blue Jasmine" falters... Al Assad aim the final strike.. It's not possible tell all what happened on the ground, but in this part we are going to tell some of what happened,            ....التفاصيل
: Juhaina News Why "Douma, Harasta, Al-Tal, Black Stone, Qadam and Jdaidet Artooz"?? Since 2006 and until the "Blue Jasmine" operation commenced, the Zion enemy performed military maneuvers fearing what's to come, as Israel who clashed with Syria over decades, realize completely the            ....التفاصيل
: Juhaina News We talked in the last three parts about the reasons of eliminating the peace cord, and what pushed Washington to change its strategy in the region and reached a decision to divide the Middle East, and Lebanon war failure in 2006            ....التفاصيل
?Part 4: What are the details of the
: Juhaina News We talked in the first part about the US worry of the increased demand on gas and bio-fuel, and Washington's fear of selling this fuel in another currency than US Dollar..            ....التفاصيل
: Juhaina News We talked in the first part about the importance of selling energy in US Dollar, and the deal between USA and Qatar to start draw gas and bio-fuel to Europe, and Washington became safe, but until 2010 she had to be in            ....التفاصيل
:Jouhaina News One might ask, what is the relationship between the "Blue Jasmine" operation and what is today called "The Arab Spring"? and why always the United States is in the middle? Is it possible that this mission pass under or even above the table of Arab leaders without their knowledge of its dangers?            ....التفاصيل

تصنيفات الأخبار الرئيسية

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